This Asian couple was allegedly having sex by the window of their 5th floor apartment from where they fell to their deaths. Hopefully they died happy
Couple Fell Down From 5th Floor Glass Window
Compilation of dogs waking their masters up.
Ha!What's the use of alarm clocks with these slightly annoying cuties around?
Just I hope their masters didn't dream about a hot chick licking their faces.

Morning kiss!
I wonder how they learned to do that?!
Gosh I can't even... ahhh never mind..

Kids with a funny talent
Here's some of the most bizarre animals we never knew that actually exist.
There are always things that are new to us,like they say "the more we explore the more we will learn."

Regardless of the story or the reasons behind these animal’s unique features, these creatures are some of the most well-known genetically mutated specimens in existence.
15 Bizarre Animals That Actually Exist
Humans have really gone far when it comes to science,but experimenting life this way is actually unfair.
Yes those things are alive and were given life,but what's the use?

6.3. Placing an animal embryo into a human 6.4. Placing animal sperm into a woman
7. Animal-Human Hybrid Embryos 7.1. Embryo containing cells made up of both human and animal chromosomes 7.1.1. Non-human eggs into which human nuclei are inserted
Frog-Human Hybrid Entities 7.1.2. Animal-Human chromosome transplant Mouse-Human Hybrids 7.2. Non-human eggs stripped of their chromosomes into which human nuclei are inserted Gametal Cow-Human Hybrid Embryos Gametal Rabbit-Human Hybrid Embryos 7.3. Mixing of Animal and Human Gametes Genetic Human-Hamster Hybrid Embryos 18/10/2010 Ethics of animal-human mixtures
schb.org.uk/.../report - animal-human ... 2/22 8. Animal-Human Chimeras
8.1. Animal-Human Chimeras Created Through Xenotransplantation 8.2. Animal-Human Embryonic and Fetal Chimeras 8.2.1. Incorporation of Human Stem Cells into Post-natal Animals 8.2.2. Incorporation of (1) Human Stem Cells into Post-blastocyst Stages of Non-human Embryos or (2) Non-human Stem Cells into Post-blatocyst stages of Human Embryos Genetic Human-Mouse Chimeric Fetuses Genetic Sheep-Human Chimeric Fetuses Genetic Monkey-Human Chimeric Fetuses
Genetic Pig-Human Chimeric Fetuses 8.2.3. Incorporation of (1) Human Pluripotent Stem Cells into a Non-Human Blastocyst or its Preliminary Embryonic Stages or
(2) Non-human Pluripotent Stem Cells into a Human Blastocyst or its Preliminary Embryonic Stages Genetic Human-Mouse Chimeric Embryos Glossary
References Nevertheless, mixtures between biological species are relatively rare in nature, and most such entities would be less 'fit' than their progenitors. With respect to animal-human mixing, no evidence of any entities being born has ever been recorded but new developments in crossing the species barrier may no longer limit animal-human mixtures to the domain of mythology. Indeed, procedures have recently been developed by scientists which mix human and animal biological elements to such an extent that it questions the very concept of being entirely human. For example, concern for animal-human mixtures was raised in 2001 by the UK Animal Procedures Committee which indicated in its Report on Biotechnology that though questions may exist as to the likely fate of such animal-human mixtures, there may be a deeper repugnance at the thought of their very existence. Indeed, The Regulation of New Biotechnologies and published in 2004, that the crossing of the animal-human boundary was, in some respects, quite complex and subtle but that the mixing of human and animal tissues and materials was not by itself objectionable. In other words, in the context of therapy and preventive medicine, the President's Council accepted that the transplantation of animal parts to replace defective human ones could be considered as ethical. Moreover, the Council had no overriding objection to the insertion of animal-derived genes or cells into a human body - or even into human foetuses - where the aim would be to address a serious disease in the patient or the developing child.
Labs Mixing Human DNA and Animal DNA
America's Got Talent Funny Audition- Jenna Adora Somar
Self-overrated and wrong choice of song! FUNNY!!!
Sometimes I wish I have this kind of confidence.

America's Got Talent Funny Audition- Jenna Adora Somar
It's so cute and funny when one animal wants to play with another who is tired and sleepy. Some sleepy animals are very patient but some are also very grumpy
Cute animals to brighten up your day.

Cute Animals
Although sitting at a computer all day could probably be considered one of the most dangerous jobs given that it completely destroys your cardiovascular and skeletal systems, it’s also a very boring way to shorten your life. The most dangerous jobs in the world promise a much more satisfying demise.
You hate your job?
So tell me you still hate your job after watching this.

Most Dangerous Jobs
"It seems that all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin - flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence."
Among those billions of stars in the universe,it can't be impossible if there is really an alien.
But it is kind of creepy thinking they are here in our planet wandering around and even sometimes they are caught on cam! What are they doing here?!What do they want?!
Former Chief of NASA Communications Systems Maurice Chatelain, Our Ancestors Came from Outer Space, 1979
Legends and artifacts dating back thousands of years have ignited man's imagination for decades to centuries with theories of ancient astronauts and alien beings from other planets. Sightings of "UFOs" or "unidentified flying objects" of varying sizes, shapes and other characteristics have been recorded around the world for hundreds of years, possibly thousands. In popular TV shows, it is claimed that "sky people" are purportedly recorded as having brought advanced culture to the hominids who have lived on this planet.
According to these legends, supposedly, this "first contact" had occurred previously, following cataclysm. Some stories relate this civilizing event to have happened several times during Earth's history. Geological, paleontological, anthropological and archaeological data reveal that there have indeed been many cataclysms on this earth, several on a global level, with climate change and mass extinction. The tales allegedly recount that after such a catastrophe, many surviving humans were reduced to the Stone Age but that more advanced humanoids descended from spacecraft and reestablished civilization. Are these claims true? Were these "sky people" aliens? Have there been "aliens" among us all along? Or is it all just an illusion?
"Have there been 'aliens' among us? Or is it all just an illusion?"
Skepticism is Warranted
Apollo the Greek sun god rides in his chariot across the skyIn investigating the traditions, it becomes clear that there are a number of different types now compiled under the heading of legendary "sky people": humans, gods and, possibly, aliens. In our quest to discover the truth about this planet's history we find that "the gods" in general are not people or aliens but planetary bodies, such as the sun, moon, earth, planets, stars, etc., as well as elements in nature.
In this regard, TV shows like "Ancient Aliens" have failed to employ Occam's Razor in investigating what the ancient gods truly represented but have rushed to judgment to call them "aliens." For example, the Greek sun god Apollo is most assuredly just that: A sun god, not an alien flying through the sky in his chariot-spaceship.
"Apollo is a sun god, not an alien flying through the sky in his chariot-spaceship."
In addition, it is obvious from the legends that at least some of the "spacecraft" were of the probable previous earthly civilization, the "vimanas" and "flying machines" of lore. Other legends say that when the chaos descended these manmade "spacecraft" transported a number of inhabitants to elsewhere, which is speculated to be the moon, Mars, Venus or other destination, including inside the earth or under the sea. In inspecting these legends of "sky people," then, it would be prudent to suggest that, if they are true and not mythical, most if not all of these high-fliers were humans who may have developed the capacity to fly, to whatever extent.
Skull with associated mandible.There have also allegedly been found the skeletal remains of a number of bizarre humanoid and hominid races now unknown and extinct, indicating unexplained phenomena, although not necessarily "aliens" from another planet. In recent years, it has been asserted that there must have been many more hominid species than previously supposed, with the discovery of Homo floresiensis or "the hobbit," for example, in Indonesia, which thrived some 12,000 years ago, much later than was the supposed demise of such types of species. Obviously, none of these creatures is an "alien," however.
"None of these hominid creatures is an 'alien.'"
In the past, sightings of UFOs have been dismissed as the planet Venus or "swamp gas." Many sightings are explainable by natural or manmade phenomena, but some are not, and millions of people in the past few decades have reported seeing something that is clearly unidentifiable. Abduction by aliens has been ridiculed as hallucination, which, no doubt, it often is. But is it necessarily always?
But it is kind of creepy thinking they are here in our planet wandering around and even sometimes they are caught on cam! What are they doing here?!What do they want?!

Legends and artifacts dating back thousands of years have ignited man's imagination for decades to centuries with theories of ancient astronauts and alien beings from other planets. Sightings of "UFOs" or "unidentified flying objects" of varying sizes, shapes and other characteristics have been recorded around the world for hundreds of years, possibly thousands. In popular TV shows, it is claimed that "sky people" are purportedly recorded as having brought advanced culture to the hominids who have lived on this planet.
According to these legends, supposedly, this "first contact" had occurred previously, following cataclysm. Some stories relate this civilizing event to have happened several times during Earth's history. Geological, paleontological, anthropological and archaeological data reveal that there have indeed been many cataclysms on this earth, several on a global level, with climate change and mass extinction. The tales allegedly recount that after such a catastrophe, many surviving humans were reduced to the Stone Age but that more advanced humanoids descended from spacecraft and reestablished civilization. Are these claims true? Were these "sky people" aliens? Have there been "aliens" among us all along? Or is it all just an illusion?
"Have there been 'aliens' among us? Or is it all just an illusion?"
Skepticism is Warranted
Apollo the Greek sun god rides in his chariot across the skyIn investigating the traditions, it becomes clear that there are a number of different types now compiled under the heading of legendary "sky people": humans, gods and, possibly, aliens. In our quest to discover the truth about this planet's history we find that "the gods" in general are not people or aliens but planetary bodies, such as the sun, moon, earth, planets, stars, etc., as well as elements in nature.
In this regard, TV shows like "Ancient Aliens" have failed to employ Occam's Razor in investigating what the ancient gods truly represented but have rushed to judgment to call them "aliens." For example, the Greek sun god Apollo is most assuredly just that: A sun god, not an alien flying through the sky in his chariot-spaceship.
"Apollo is a sun god, not an alien flying through the sky in his chariot-spaceship."
In addition, it is obvious from the legends that at least some of the "spacecraft" were of the probable previous earthly civilization, the "vimanas" and "flying machines" of lore. Other legends say that when the chaos descended these manmade "spacecraft" transported a number of inhabitants to elsewhere, which is speculated to be the moon, Mars, Venus or other destination, including inside the earth or under the sea. In inspecting these legends of "sky people," then, it would be prudent to suggest that, if they are true and not mythical, most if not all of these high-fliers were humans who may have developed the capacity to fly, to whatever extent.
Skull with associated mandible.There have also allegedly been found the skeletal remains of a number of bizarre humanoid and hominid races now unknown and extinct, indicating unexplained phenomena, although not necessarily "aliens" from another planet. In recent years, it has been asserted that there must have been many more hominid species than previously supposed, with the discovery of Homo floresiensis or "the hobbit," for example, in Indonesia, which thrived some 12,000 years ago, much later than was the supposed demise of such types of species. Obviously, none of these creatures is an "alien," however.
"None of these hominid creatures is an 'alien.'"
In the past, sightings of UFOs have been dismissed as the planet Venus or "swamp gas." Many sightings are explainable by natural or manmade phenomena, but some are not, and millions of people in the past few decades have reported seeing something that is clearly unidentifiable. Abduction by aliens has been ridiculed as hallucination, which, no doubt, it often is. But is it necessarily always?
Aliens taped
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